HomePower of AffirmationsVision Board






whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve...
  How are you doing with your goals?


  Here is a great tool that will help you stay motivated and  focus on your goals and dreams.
This tool is called a dream board. 
  What is a dream board?
A dream board is an inspiring, fun and  exciting way to set goals for your life.


These ispiring goals actually helped your subconscious start focusing on them, day and night, without you even being aware of it.  The steps below show exactly how to develop inspiring goals and will result in you feeling so motivated that you automatically start to track for the things you most want. Stop saying it and start doing it! 


Sample of  Dream Board

  First Step: for Creating your Dream/Vision Board: 


Get a large board like paper. Poster paper is perfect. You will need glue or two sided tape and scissors.



Second Step: for Creating your Dream/Vision Board :



You will need lots of different types of magazines. You are going to look for pictures that either show how you want to feel, where you want to go or want you want to have.

You can also search for specific images on http://www.images.google.com. (This is best done over the course of the year and then do this exercise in January for a New Year's resolution.)


The magazines should be different types, covering all the topics that you are interested in. Some suggestions include: money/wealth, career, sport, adventure, health, cooking, spirituality/philosophy, fitness, fashion, travel etc.


 Allow your mind to wander and follow your instinct. Find bright, colorful images that make you feel fantastic or get you thinking about what life could be like if it were you in that picture. Some suggestions for pictures include people, cars, holidays, fashion, books, food, scenes, kids, adventure, jewelry, books, cash, diamonds, houses, shoes, boats etc. Try to minimize the words that you cut out.




*Go crazy here, really go out on a limb. If you want to live on the ocean in a beautiful house, find a picture of that house on the ocean. Look for pictures that really light you up inside when you look at them.


If you want to lose weight find a picture of the physique you want to have.



If you want to travel cut out pictures of the places you want to go. Find pictures of someone doing the things you want to, sailing or skiing, climbing a mountain or hiking.



You can cut out words or sentences as well. Anything you cut out is great as long as it inspires and motivates you. If you want to get married, cut out a bride and groom or a wedding picture.


If you want to write a book, look for pictures of a computer with someone typing. If you can't find the pictures you are looking for in a magazine you can do a image search and find the pictures on line and then print it out.




Third Step:  Creating your Dream/Vision Board


Get a picture of yourself you really like, where you are happy and feel good. You are going to paste this in the middle of the board.



Fourth Step: Get Started


You are now ready to start to create your dream board by pasting your vision (pictures) on the board. 





Have fun!!! This is really important. You are now taking an important step towards seeing and feeling the life you want.


Really go for it here..this is your chance to have it all!!!  Now that you have completed the vision board  there are a few action steps for you to take.



Action Steps


Put this dream/vision board somewhere you will see it everyday. Spend at least five minutes every morning and five minutes every night before bed looking at your dream board.


Really see the emotions in the pictures you have chosen. Look at the colors that are on your board. The different places or events that make you smile.


Now� expect these wonderful things or something better to happen in the appropriate time.



  The sky is the limit. Anything you find that inspires you put that on your dream board.
You will notice in the following 12 months that you are starting to achieve some of the dreams you have stuck on your board

Include family members in this project. If you have children,  encourage them to do mini-boards!



Begin collecting pictures for next year's dream board




We also have a section on our FORUM  about dream boards.  You can locate it under  Inspiration/Motivation Section of the forum.  Feel free to jump on the forum and share about  your dream board.



  • Magazines can be expensive! Consider collecting old magazines from friends, your local library, hairdressing salons, doctors surgeries, gyms, your work, thrift stores, bazaars etc. People are usually ecstatic to have someone recycling their old magazines.
  • Often magazine subscriptions are much cheaper and there are many that can be ordered online and delivered right to home.
  • Blank canvases for painting are available at your local art or stationery store. The cost is around $20 USD depending on the size you go for.
  • If you are not too keen on using canvases, use a bulletin board.

Things You'll Need

  • Blank canvas pre-stretched on timber frame
  • Scissors,knife
  • file for grip tape
  • Paper glue (that will stick paper to canvas)
  • Yummy drinks and food nibbles to keep you going
  • Your favorite music

  Looking forward to seeing you on the calls and remember....a dial a day will bring freedom your day. 


    Janie Jones, NVP




